ORACLE 백업 펄스크립트
2009. 3. 23. 20:36
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거래처 솔라리스인 관계로 리눅스에서 작업했던 bash쉘 기능이 전부 먹히지 않아
그냥 Perl 스크립트로 만들어 보았습니다..
#!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; use Time::Local; use Error qw(:try); use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS); BEGIN { $ENV{ORACLE_OWNER} = "oracle9"; $ENV{ORACLE_BASE} = "/home/$ENV{ORACLE_OWNER}"; $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = "$ENV{ORACLE_BASE}/product/9i"; $ENV{TNS_ADMIN} = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/network/admin"; $ENV{ORA_NLS33} = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/ocommon/nls/admin/data"; $ENV{ORACLE_SID} = "NEXTBSC"; $ENV{ORACLE_TNSNAME} = "NEXTBSC"; $ENV{NLS_LANG} = "KOREAN_KOREA.KO16MSWIN949"; $ENV{NLS_NCHAR} = "KOREAN_KOREA.UTF8"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/lib:$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/lib32:$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/rdbms/demo:$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/oracm/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib"; $ENV{LD_RUN_PATH} = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/lib"; $ENV{NLS_DATE_FORMAT} = "YYYYMMDD"; $ENV{TEMPDIR} = "/tmp"; $ENV{THREADS_FLAG} = "native"; } =comment foreach my $key(keys %ENV) { print $key."=". $ENV{$key}."\n"; } =cut ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 삭제할 파일 일자 정의(3일전) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ($year, $month, $day) = (localtime(time - (60*60*24*3)))[5,4,3]; my $rmdate = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $month+1, $day); ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##백업할 파일 일자 정의(당일) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ($year, $month, $day) = (localtime(time))[5,4,3]; my $date = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $month+1, $day); #my $date = sprintf("%02d", $day); ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 기본 변수 선언. ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $user = "qes_bsc"; my $bakdir = "/data1/oracle9i_dmp_files/"; my $fullpath = $bakdir.$date ."_". $user .""; my $onepath = $bakdir.$date ."_". $user .""; my $rmfullpath = $bakdir.$rmdate ."_". $user .""; my $rmonepath = $bakdir.$rmdate ."_". $user .""; my @nums = (0..30); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FULL 백업 .... #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "\nFULL 백업중.....\n"; my $command = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/exp $user/$user\@$ENV{ORACLE_TNSNAME} grants=y "; $command .= " file=("; for(@nums) { $command .= $bakdir . $user ."_full_". sprintf("%02s", $_) .".dmp,"; } $command = substr($command, 0, length($command)-1); $command .= " )"; $command .= " filesize=2G"; $command .= " log=". $bakdir . $user .".log"; system $command; ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 테이블 단위 백업.... ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- try { print "\n테이블 단위 백업중.....\n"; my $conn = DBI->connect("DBI:Oracle:NEXTBSC", $user, $user, {AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 }) || die "Error :$DBI::errstr"; my $SQL = "SELECT tname FROM tab WHERE tname NOT LIKE 'BIN%' "; my $stmt = $conn->prepare($SQL); $stmt->execute(); while(@row = $stmt->fetchrow_array) { my $command = ""; if(@row["TNAME"] == "NG01_REPORT_INFO") { $command = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/exp qes_bsc/qes_bsc\@$ENV{ORACLE_TNSNAME} grants=y "; $command .= " tables=". @row["TNAME"]; $command .= " file=("; for(@nums) { $command .= $bakdir . @row["TNAME"] ."_one_". sprintf("%02s", $_) .".dmp,"; } $command = substr($command, 0, length($command)-1); $command .= " )"; $command .= " filesize=2G"; } else { $command = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/exp qes_bsc/qes_bsc\@$ENV{ORACLE_TNSNAME} grants=y "; $command .= " tables=". @row["TNAME"]; $command .= " file=". $bakdir . @row["TNAME"] ."_one_". ".dmp"; } system $command; } $stmt->finish; $conn->disconnect; } catch Error with { my $ex = shift; print $ex; } finally { #close_the_garage_door_already(); }; ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## FULL 백업 압축.... ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- try { opendir(DIR, $bakdir); @files = grep(/_full_\d{2}/, readdir(DIR)); print $bakdir.@files; closedir(DIR); if(@files > 0) { my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $comp = $zip->addDirectory($date); $comp->desiredCompressionMethod(COMPRESSION_DEFLATED); $comp->desiredCompressionLevel(COMPRESSION_LEVEL_BEST_COMPRESSION); print "FULL 백업을 압축중입니다.....!!!\n"; foreach my $file(sort @files) { print $file. "\n"; $comp = $zip->addFile($bakdir . $file, $date ."/". $file) || die 'write error'; $check = true; } $zip->writeToFileNamed($fullpath) == AZ_OK; system "split -b 680m ". $fullpath ." ". $fullpath."."; } } catch Error with { my $ex = shift; print $ex; } finally { #close_the_garage_door_already(); }; ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 테이블 단위 압축.... ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- try { opendir(DIR, $bakdir); @files = grep(/_one_(\d{2})?/, readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); print $bakdir.@files; if(@files > 0) { my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $comp = $zip->addDirectory($date); $comp->desiredCompressionMethod(COMPRESSION_DEFLATED); $comp->desiredCompressionLevel(COMPRESSION_LEVEL_BEST_COMPRESSION); print "\n테이블 단위 백업을 압축중입니다.....!!!\n"; foreach my $file(sort @files) { print $file. "\n"; $comp = $zip->addFile($bakdir . $file, $date ."/". $file) || die 'write error'; } $zip->writeToFileNamed($onepath) == AZ_OK; system "split -b 680m ". $onepath ." ". $onepath."."; } } catch Error with { my $ex = shift; print $ex; } finally { #close_the_garage_door_already(); }; ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 삭제할 파일 ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- system "rm -f ". $rmfullpath; system "rm -f ". $rmonepath; system "rm -f ". $bakdir ."*.dmp"; __END__ ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 실행전에 필용한 팩키지 목록들.... ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##perl -e "use Archive::Zip" ##perl -MCPAN -e "install DBD::Oracle" ##perl -MCPAN -e "install Archive::Zip" ##perl -MCPAN -e shell ##cpan>i /archive::zip/ ##cpan>install Archive::Zip ##cpan>quit ##windows --> copy /b XXXX_full_zip.aa + XXXX_full_zip.ab ##solaris --> cat XXXX_full_zip.?? > ##linux --> XXXX_full_zip.* > ##__author__ = "" ##__version__ = "0.1" ##__date__ = "2007-09-29" ##__file__ = ""2G가 이상되면 unzip 명령어가 먹지 않네요..
64비트 옵션을 주고 컴파일 하면 된다고 하는데 안되더라구요..
그래서 귀찮아서 그냥 이것도 Perl 스크립트로 만들었습니다.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES); my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $zipName = shift(@ARGV); if($zip->read($zipName) != AZ_OK) { die "Read of $zipName failed\n"; } else { foreach my $member($zip->members()) { print $member->fileName(), ", ", $member->uncompressedSize(), ":", $member->compressedSize(), "\n"; $zip->extractMember($member->fileName()); } }